Saturday, August 21, 2010

AF after pill or implantation bleeding? (PLEASE READ) need advice and personal exp?

ok i'll give you the details -

Last period started Feb 2nd, was on sugar pills. So Jan was my last full month on the pill. we did the BD on the 14th, should have ovulated around the 16th.

so i have tested and all BFN, but have not done a HPT since Saturday morning (12 dpo).

it's now 15dpo and due for AF. always been on time, on or off the pill always regular.

ok here's the TMI part, lol:

anxious to know if AF is when i wiped this morning, nada! so of course i checked inside...a lil dried up bleeding left over, brown only. checked again 3 hours later, had to check inside again and very lil brown left. checked 2 hours later and barely any there(bleeding seems to have been brief and stopped.) usually when AF comes i have much more brown to start, gets heavier and then turns to red by mid morning.

so what's your opinion???

i'm tired of testing and getting the BFN... i'm trying to wait it out this time!!!

oh and i had blood work done yesterday for my yearly you think they would see the hCG levels even if i didn't ask for a pregnancy test??? (that may be a dumb question)

**i'm afraid working myself up will stop AF from coming regardless of the outcome BFN or BFP** but i keep telling myself there is no way i am preg because i would have tested positive already. but then i get excited all over again reading other stories on here :)AF after pill or implantation bleeding? (PLEASE READ) need advice and personal exp?
Well, I too get some dark brown spotting before my period. However, since you are already late, I would do another HPT since you have not tested since Saturday. You weren't ';late'; on Saturday, so if you were pregnant, only a really sensitive HPT would pick up on your hCG levels. I'll give you a small example: My period was on Feb 1st. On Friday, Feb 27 I took 2 HPTs: First Response and Clearblue Easy. First Response gave me a BFP, Clearblue Easy gave me a BFN. I did research ( and I read that First Response is much more sensitive, so it would pick up on a pregnancy a bit earlier. After 7 HPT, I am happy to say that 6 of those gave me BFP!!

Did you only take one HPT? As you see, I took 7, all different brands (First Response, Clearblue Easy, and the Walmart cheapie - Equate). Try taking another HPT and use another brand. This time around you may get the answer that you are looking for! Good luck to you and LOTS of baby dust!!AF after pill or implantation bleeding? (PLEASE READ) need advice and personal exp?
I personally dont think you are. It would have shown positive already. I think you havent been off of birth control that long that you may still have some hormones in you. I got off of birth control in novemeber had a period on sugar pills that month and had another period in december right on time. And lets just say I have not had an actual period since then just random brown spotting. I actually thought it was implantation bleeding but after like 20 test all negatives I know for sure im not pregnant. My gyno says I should not be concerned many girls start off regular once their off of birth control and then start becoming irregular and this is normal it takes your body about 6 months to adjust and there may be months you dont ovulate either. I dont want to put a damper on your spirits but just letting you know my experience and what im going through now. And I would just stop thinking your pregnant cause you could cause your brain to create symptoms and actually delay your period giving you even more hopes. Sorry I know you did not want to hear this. And the blood test you got done yesterday will not include a pregnancy test since you did not ask them to check for that. It would have been a good idea at the time since those are 100% accurate.

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