5 days ago may of had implantation bleeding... light brown and pink only on toilet paper when i wiped for less than 2 days only....
have gas pains and gas noisies in my tummy...a little nausea, and nipple tenderness...
took a test yesterday afternoon it was neg..
do those sound like pregnancy symtoms??
How far along would i be if implantation was 5 days ago???
when can i test???A few questions...personal experiences and advice welcome!!! easy 10 points?
first day of missed period is when you can test some people tell you to wait but i took my test the first day of my missed period and it came out positiveA few questions...personal experiences and advice welcome!!! easy 10 points?
You can test five days before your missed period. When i tried to get pregnant. I took my self off the pill on April 3rd, Started implantation bleeding on april 9-16 and got pregnant right after that. However i had 3 negative pregnancy test until father's day, june 15 when i tested postive. If you are very fertile, it will not take long to conceive. Good Luck and hope that i was helpful!!!
Your symptoms are certainly some of those found in pregnancy. Implantation takes place between the 6th and 12th days after ovulation. This means implantation takes place between the 3rd and 4th week of pregnancy. You can test at home up to 5 days before your expected period, but sometimes the HCG levels aren't high enough until you've actually missed your period. You can go to the doctor and have a blood test done which is more sensative than a home pregnancy test and can give you a positive result sooner. If you had implantation bleeding 5 days ago, you should be able to tell if you're pregnant with a blood test. You may have to wait another week or so to get a positive home pregnancy test.
they could be, but also could just be bad wind, you dont really have symptoms so soon,
well they go from yuor last period date so count from the beginning of that! not even 3/4 weeks id guess, so if you were pregnant it be size of a pin head.
test on your next due date, you ca get tests earlier than this but wait till your next period due date for an accurate result.!
Implantation bleeding happens 7 to 10 days after you conceive. So, you would be about 12 to 15 days pregnant. The test probably wouldn't show up yet. The symptoms wouldn't show up yet either. Wait until you miss your period. Good luck!
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