Saturday, July 31, 2010

Ladies: any advice/stories/personal experiences?

I'm just looking for some advice or some of your experiences with the following:

1. Your first gyno exam.

2. Your first time having sex.

Nothing specific...just in general what it was like and what happened.Ladies: any advice/stories/personal experiences?
well the first gyno exam is just is not as bad as you think though. she will probably feel your breasts....then she will insert a plastic thing into your vagina to keep it open while she scrapes the cervix with a big q tip. this may be a little uncomfortable but it is over in no time....first time sex is awkward definatley will not be like what you see on the movies.Ladies: any advice/stories/personal experiences?
first gyno exam isnt as bad as you think it would be. It was alot quicker than i thought it would be. First sex...also alot quicker than i would have thought.
For your first gyno exam just be as calm and patient as possible, also look up standard procedure for what the examiner is supposed to be doing that can put you at ease as well.
Both events were uncomfortable and rather boring.

Both...the more calm you are the less they will hurt. I never had a painful gyno experience but I hear some people have. Just remember a doctor is there to help, not hurt and remember to relax and breathe. As for sex, it hurts even if you are relaxed but it hurts less the more relaxed you are. Some people bleed and some people don't. Take it slow, make sure you are in a comfortable place and not rushed and with someone you really care for. Trust is big in both these situations. Good luck!

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