Monday, July 26, 2010

Please read my question its personal but i need advice?

ok im a virgin im 14 and my period is being really weird i had a period on the 1st and 28th of may didnt have one in june at all it is now july and i have yet to have one but i do have this kind of white discharge does anyone have a theory of what is going on please help mePlease read my question its personal but i need advice?
It's normal to have irregular periods when you're young. However, sometimes discharge can also be associated with a yeast infection. If it starts to get either smelly, painful, or itchy, talk to your mom or a doctor. Yeast infections aren't a big deal and are easy to get rid of.Please read my question its personal but i need advice?
When you're beginning your period it can be sporradic but if you're worried or your period continues to be all over the place see your doctor. They may put you on the pill to regulate your period or say its nothing and just let it run its course. its never fun having your period more than once a month thats for sure! as for your discharge, it varies all the time. it'll be different when you're about to have your period, after, when you're ovulating, etc. I wouldn't worry about it.
When I was 14, my periods were crazy. I skipped 9 whole months once because I was very thin and extremely busy. The white discharge means you are ovulating so expect a period to happen in about two weeks or so. This is all normal. But please talk to your doctor to be sure. If you have not had a visit in a few years, now is a good time to have one and you can talk about all these questions you have about your new body.
Hmmm... I would go see a doctor. I'm sorry, but I have no advice to give other than tell your mom and see a doctor. I hope everything works out. Good luck.
it takes some women longer than others for their period to regulate, it took mine 3 years before it was regular and my sister only took 1 years to regulate, and that's normal for a lot of women. it will start soon and i know your not pregnant. as for the discharge this is very normal, every girl gets it, its how your vagina keeps its self clean, you may notice theres more sometimes and other times less, theres usually more when you are ovulating (when the ovaries releases an egg). now if the discharge starts to have a bad ';fishy'; smell you may have an infection and should go to the doctor, if it turns a different colour that's also a sign of infection and again go to your doctor, if it gets really itchy on your vagina its most likely a yeast infection which can be cured by using medication you can buy from your local drugstore/grocery store. hope this helps hun :)
relax and dont think too much about it

some girls have irregular periods for the first 2 yrs.

talk to ur mom abou it for more info
i'm 16 and it happens to me sometimes, don't worry, you're not pregnant!!1
its normal some times you miss you period also sometimes it can change when it comes like even if you get it in the begining of the month it can change randomly to the middle of the month happens to me often nothing to worry about as long as you dont miss your period like 3 months id say theres nothing to worry about
that's because your young sweetheart it doesn't regulate for years and years as long as your not having sex you have nothing to worry about trust me i know its bothersome i've been through it but you'll be ok trust me.
i must say i'm surprised no one on here knows anything about their periods!


the first year or two your period will be very irregular.

it's just getting used to your body changes.

don't worry about it.
That is the same way my periods were as a teenager just starting, and now as a 27 year old. My trouble was PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. In short, my ovaries make eggs, but for some reason (usually cysts) have a hard time kicking them out of my ovaries. It's not a death sentence by any means, but it can cause some problems. It can make cramping very severe when you finally do have a period, and it can complicate getting pregnant for some people. I on the other hand have four children and didn't need any intervention to get pregnant. Now, please realize I am NOT diagnosing you, yo really should see a doctor about it and share your concerns, because in all the magic that is a woman's reproductive system, there are literally thousands of different scenarios. But it's good that yo are trying to educate yourself and maybe you could write down a list of possibilities to take with you to an appointment. My doc took almost 2 years to diagnose me because he was just a GP and not a gyno and really didn't have a clue....
that's completly normal, when you first get your period you could have it 1 month and then not the next or whatever, it will eventually happen once a month, the discharge is completly normal aswell.

hope i helped!! x

you are a sick o

no one i mean NOOOO one wants to know about your discharge

ask your mother my god or like dr. phil

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