I have started my own little compost pile, i have started is with lawn clippings and orchid tree leaves and i know anything green and brown can go in it is there a process for the produce before i throw it in the pile and what other things are good to put in there sorry naive gardner
My own personal compost pile need advice?
Egg shells, tea bags, fruit can also go in.
You don't need to do anything to the stuff before it goes in, but you do need to turn everything. Think recommended every week but I do mine when I remember and it's coming along nicely.My own personal compost pile need advice?
When you add lawn clippings make sure they are spread evenly all over the pile otherwise they will not rot down properly. Make sure you keep the heap covered with a piece of old carpet to retain the heat and hasten the rotting process.
You will find a detailed explanation in Tip No. 8 on the page below.
Best of luck.
There's a new composting forum that you may want to check...
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