Monday, July 26, 2010

Topic on god, need some advice, personal*?

Okay, my grandma is no longer going to be with us very much longer. She does not want to do kimo therapy. I believe in god, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't. I want her to believe in god before she passes, but I don't speak the same language as her. My options are to learn the language, find a translator, or find someone who does believe in god who speaks the language to help her find God. She speaks thai, so what do you guys think?Topic on god, need some advice, personal*?
First off, I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. I lost my aunt this past week, I know it's hard.

Secondly, although I am a christian myself, I have to agree with some of the atheists here (the ones that said focus on spending time with her). I know myself that no one converted me to be a christian when I didn't believe in God. Nothing anyone said made me want to be a christian...if anything it made me not want to be a christian even more. If you are truly concerned about your grandmother, I would suggest praying for her in deep sincere prayer. God is the only one that can change her mind...I know this - been there. If nothing changes, that is all you can do and you have to accept that and respect her.

Again, I'm sorry.Topic on god, need some advice, personal*?
There's probably no god, now stop worrying and enjoy your life.

If you really think your 'God' is going to punish her for probably not believing, then what a cruel god he is, why are you worshiping him, do you think she is going to hell for that, probably being a good person she was and leading a good life, yet purely based on one thing, she goes to hell... that's just cruel and evil. There are religious people who do things that most of the world considers evil deeds, but according to their beliefs, they are eternally rewarded. What is more important, how you live you live your life or what you think is after?
If I were dying, I know that I wouldn't want my granddaughter trying to proselytize to me on my deathbed. Let her go in peace. If you truly believe your god is just and benevolent, entrust your grandmother's eternal fate to him.
Why would you ruin your last moments with your grandmother by attempting to convert her rather than enjoying being with her. She's probably had people try to convert her before and it obviously hasn't gotten her: let her be in peace without prostheltyzing.
Your grandmother is dying and all you can think about is trying to force your beliefs on her while she lays on her death bed?

You are a terrible grandson. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
what are you going to say? if she doesn't want to believe in god that is her choice

you should be more concerned with spending as much time with her as possible, not converting her
If it's that important, maybe find someone who speaks the language and believes.
Hold her hand and pray with all your heart that she accepts Jesus as her savior. Do this and pray God has mercy on her soul.
You should respect her and leave her alone.

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